Month: July 2006

  • Of all God's inventions (and he has quite a few), my most favorite is the voice.  Each new person I meet or hear, it is always so interesting to hear their voice, because they are all so very different.  I'm always shocked that there was another voice, because the fact that I can't imagine a new voice in my own imagination always makes me think that the varying number of voices is going to run out someday.  But time and time again I am always surprised to hear a completely unique and individual sound come from a newly met person.

    On another note, I think I'm going to have a murder mystery party at the reception to my wedding.  All the people are already there and dressed up, why not add characters and a crime to it to top it all off? 

    This night is finite so why not have a fine night?

  • Suppose you were the cruelest person in the world.  Not simply used-the-last-of-the-milk cruel, but really cruel.  I'm talking evil.  Like congress could pass an amendment banning you, specifically.

    Well, I thought of a prank that could give you that rep. 

    Get a copy of the song the ice cream man plays, pop it in you car, crank it up, and drive slowly through a friendly neighborhood. 

    Excited children rush from every direction with spare change in their clinched fists, desiring nothing more than their favorite ice cream treat ... only to see you in your non-ice cream carrying automobile smirking in your sordid joke.  The children freeze.  The tears come.  The world ends.

    If you use that idea, you're really sick.  Like, there's something really wrong with you.  The plan is 100 % evil.  Worst thing possible next to abortion, anyways.  I suppose there's something wrong with me for thinking of it.  I'll have to confess to my brothers in Christ next small group. 

    What if the present were the world's last night?

  • The difference between melon and watermelon astounds me.  Who would have known that just adding water to melon would make it red with seeds and ten times tastier?

  • For the past few days I have been in ****igan on vacation. 

    And, yes, that words needs to be censored.  C'mon people, we live in Ohio, here.  

    Sharing stories is a tinge away from being an absolute necessity after a vacation.  If "Mandatory Sharing of Stories After Vacations" were a measure to be voted on in Congress, I would vote a big fat YES.  But, seeing as that I'm not a congressman, I suppose I would just tack a sign in my front lawn that professes my side and call myself an American.  Probably get a bumber sticker too.

    First of all, a fair amount of memorable quotes revealed themselves from many members of the family.  In attempt to recall the information my mom had given her on global warming, my sister Grace, 24,  asked my mom, "Isn't the sun brighter than when you were young, mom?"  Like a true family, we made fun of her about it the whole trip.  And I may assure you, my audience (should you exist), that the atmosphere getting hotter does not equate to the sun getting brighter. 

    The only other quote I'll mention is Melody's, 14, when the sun was setting, "Can clouds catch on fire?" 

    Getting sick while actually there provided enormous dissapointment and frustration, so I'll skip ahead to the trip home.  Only one person could go in the bathroom at the gas station at a time, and I was third in a line of four guys.  The guy in the bathroom had been crapping for near ten minutes, and all the other guys in the line were becoming noticeably impatient.  Then, in synchrony, my and the other guys' heads popped up to see an old woman slowly walk out of the women's bathroom about 10 feet away.  We were all thinking the same thing.  Finally, after about 10 seconds of silence, the guy in front of the line said suggestively, "There's no one in line over there." 

    The considered norm and the possibility of employees watching from the front of the store were the only thing holding us back now.  "It's the same kind of room," chimed in the guy standing second in line.  After waiting for a few more minutes, the guy in front hurriedly fast-stepped his way into the ladies room, only to emerge triumphant from it minutes later.  In case you were wondering, the guy in the men's room eventually made it out.  And by made it out I mean made it out of the gas station, where there were a few of us guys who wanted to kill him for taking so long.  Heh, just kidding. 

    Oh yes, and I presented myself as a true Ohioan in the souvenir shops up there, refusing to buy any shirt with the word ****igan on it. 

    Overall, it was a wonderful vacation.  Even with getting sick I was able to enjoy joyful times with my family doing sundry things. 

    See you next time!

  • Hello to you!

    This is my response to Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken" which you can read here:

    I doubt Robert expected his poem to induce a response, but then again, I also doubt that Bill Gates expected Warren Buffet to simply give him $37 billion.  Crazy things happens.                                                                                                                                                

    The Other Road Not Taken

    I pondered both paths
    And looked back and forth
    I took out my compass
    to find which way's north

    Frustration took me
    I couldn't decide
    How could I take both 
    If they don't coincide?

    I looked up determined
    and decided my fate
    I grabbed my machete
    and kept going straight


    Have a good night!