December 9, 2007

  • Whenever you want something from an adult, address them as ‘doctor.’  Even if they aren’t a doctor.  In fact, even if they know you know they aren’t a doctor.  People just like being called a doctor, so much they will forget they aren’t a doctor, and they will like you, and give you what you want. 

    I like using my credit card, because then the cashier realizes who I am and asks for my autograph.

    If even numbers and odd numbers fought a war against each other, who would win?  Because they’d be against great odds, like the number one, the evens would be against great odds.  But even though against the odds the odds would be against them, evens would win.  Although if you took out the number ten (an extremely tendentious number) then things would be more even, and it wouldn’t be so odd if the odds won.  What a unique predicament to think about; it’s even odd.

    People always mark up bathroom stalls with pictures and profanities, and it is a big problem.  They should put a dry erase board in there; that would remedy it. 

    Suppose a person were born without a sense of taste, touch, sight, and hearing.  All they could do was smell.  If you put that person in a room with a wonderful smell, a truly heavenly fragrance, would that not be the ultimate existence?

    Welp, things to do.  Catch you on the flip side.

Comments (9)

  • smells oddly doctored up with marker – could I get your auto craft

  • I used to call guys Captain in college.  It helped build up their egos!!  *wink*

    My son will be a doctor of pharmacy in 2010.  I can call him Doctor Son!! 

    I give out my autograph waaay too much these days.  As for the bathroom idea, great, but someone would end up stealing the pen and I wouldn’t have anyting in my purse to write with ! 

    And if we only had smells would that mean God would give us big noses, too???  I don’t like to have a big nose!!  And come on…boys stink anyway!  *wink* 

  • Funny post!!

    You should read a book called Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

    Its about a guy whose nose is highly developed when it comes to scent that hes able to… pretty much get away with murder. Kinda like an X FIles story.

    So what if I call myself Doctor? People usually regard Doctors with respect…

  • The dry erase board idea is a good one.  Awesome.

  • No, no. Dry erase would be icky, because no one except engineers carry dry marker around. So, dry erase markers would have to be provided and then there would be all those dirty hands touching the same marker. Disgusting!

    My husband call men “Chief,” and not a one of them are in fact chiefs.

    “…it’s even odd” cracked me up.

  • That’s a very good question. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke, which is the biggest reason why. In principle, I don’t have anything against pipe tobacco, which can actually smell pleasant. The short answer is probably that I just haven’t been interested.

  • hahaha, totally, totally.

    and you always post fantastic entries.  props to you.

  • Calling people Gov’nor could work too. I mean, how many people in London are actually Governors?

    Wouldn’t it be kind of a bummer to only be able to smell? What if you wanted to know what it was, but (in most cases), you wouldn’t be able to ask, hear the answer, or see what it is. Or even if you could hear the answer, if you couldn’t see, you wouldn’t be able to visualize what it is you’re smelling.

    The person would be overcome with not being able to place what they’re smelling!

    Maybe I’m too obsessed with details. =p

  • i read this then went christmas shopping, everytime i pulled out my card i couldn’t help but laugh :]

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