November 14, 2008

  • Just a Thought

    “Hello, Dan! How is it going?” I said smiling.
    “Alright, alright, things have been going pretty well,” he responded, grinning along with me.
    “How are your thoughts as of late?  Good-natured? Focused on the grace of God? Yeah?”
    His face dropped.  When he spoke, his voice was now flat and spiteful.
    “How do you know about that?”
    Confused, and now lessening my cheerfulness, I responded, “What? Know about what?”
    “My THOUGHTS, man! How do you know about my THOUGHTS?”
    “So I was right, then?  They have been good-natured lately?” I said slowly and incredulously. 
    “NO! Come with me,” he said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me from the main room into a side room.  Once inside he slammed the door and started talking to me very closely to my face as I stood against a wall.  “Tell me what you know.”
    “Uh…well, your name is Dan.  You go to school here, just like I do.  We’re friends…I think…” I nervously uttered, wondering if he was going to hurt me.
    “If that’s all you know,” Dan said in a quiet, frustrated voice, “then why do you know about my THOUGHTS?” 
    “What do you mean ’know about your thoughts’?”
    “You asked how my thoughts were.  How do you know I have thoughts?”
    “Everyone has thoughts,” I stuttered in unbelief.
    “Oh yeah?  And how do you know THAT?” 
    “Well, I, uh…”
    “EXACTLY.  So why don’t you just ’fess up, and tell me how exactly you got inside my HEAD and figured out I have THOUGHTS! GAH!” With that he grabbed a chair and threw it into the corner of the room where it busted apart.
    “I just, uh, assumed it, I guess,” I said.
    “DAMNIT, JIMMY,” he yelled motioning with his hands towards my neck in a clenching motion.  I merely stared, wide-eyed and speechless as his wild antics indicating his inward desire for violence continued.  “Alright,” he continued, “You can go.  Just don’t tell anyone else.”
    “That you…think?” I asked, still trying to get it straight.
    “AHHHH,” his anger released again, this time making him pound both his fists on the wall.  “What is wrong with you?  You sick, sick freak!  Get out of my life!  Only I’M supposed to know about that! Ya got it?  Me, and me alone!  I don’t KNOW how you figured it out. Alright?  I don’t know.  Just,” he became tearful as he spoke, and slumped down against the wall, talking into his hands, “just get out of here, okay? Just leave.”
    As he cried into his arms and hands I hurried out of the room.    

Comments (7)

  • lol interesting guy

  • awesome, awesome. did you write this?

  • awesome, awesome. did you write this?

  • Curious post. Very curious. Haha, Dan was a little over-the-top though… I don’t see any reason to be so drastically upset unless he was already a character on the edge.
    Thought is a very curious subject. It’s impossible to know if others have thoughts. Yet, by expression through art, writing, movies, talking, ect., something is going through another person’s head. The only question is left is… what exactly? I guess that why I love blogs. It’s a window into another person’s head, edited by that person of course, but none the less a thing of curiosity.
    As the Jesus said, it’s what comes out of a man’s mouth that reveals his heart.

    The strangest thought that ever occurred to me about thought was this: Thought seems to be the surest way to prove you exist. (Moreover, how does a person think and thought? Or have a thought about thought?)  
    After all, everything you accomplish materially breaks down and vanishes. And the memories others have you also eventually fade away. If you went into exile, the only way to be sure of your existence is because you think. If you didn’t exist, you wouldn’t be sitting here wondering if you exist, no? Unless an illusion could wonder if it was real. It probably depends on the illusion, but it’s been my experience that illusions to out-of-it to bother with reality. I wonder if an illusion could have a concept of reality? Or if it would be a concept so far out of reach that, even when words are put to it, it would be too difficult to contemplate. Humans have life, yet we remained baffled by it. If humans have trouble grasping what they do have, how much more difficult would it be to grasp something they don’t have?

  • @Yume_Shii - 

    Sorry, I posted this blog then went on a trip, so I haven’t been around lately. 

    “I guess that why I love blogs. It’s a window into another person’s head, edited by that person of course, but none the less a thing of curiosity.”

    Precisely the reason I love blogs. I love the fact that, though separated by large geographical distances, I can know what was going on in someone else’s head on a given day. 

    But over time I’ve felt I don’t really come out in my blogs, but rather like you mention there are other mediums of expression, and I think those are better ways (unfortunately I am terrible at all of them).  Life is much more like a symphony, or a movie, or a song than it is words. 

    “Humans have life, yet we remained baffled by it. If humans have trouble grasping what they do have, how much more difficult would it be to grasp something they don’t have?”

    That’s a great thought – makes me think of “There are more things in heavan and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

  • @StrokeofThought - 

     Don’t worry about it. People comment back when they are able. So it goes, so no bother here.
     So true. It gets even more curious when you see the content of a foreigner’s mind. I love to see how people in other countries think, talk, and act. It’s very eye-opening. Between humans, ways of life are so different, yet populated by the same fears, joys, and experiences.

    ["Life is much more like a symphony, or a movie, or a song than it is words."]

    Haha, I’ve always thought of life as more of a dance — a delicate mixture of balance, rhythm, flow, and movement — where falling down is just as much as part of the dance as leaping and spinning. And with every time you plant your face into the ground, you pick yourself up and dance just a little bit better for it.
    But, I surely won’t deny people seem attuned to difference mediums of expression. Just as well, some people care more for expression whereas other would rather just live.
    I’m very fond of all forms of expression, although lack any sort of talent in most of them. In watching movies, listening to music, or watching dances, it seems all forms of expression have their benefits and boundaries. Comparing writing to art is a good example. Books carry scenes and actions wonderfully, but lack any sort of intense, vibrant detail. Whereas art can carry nearly all the details of life, but lacks the capacity for sustained movement.
    If I had to guess from the little I have read of your blog, your best medium seems to be thought itself. I recognized when you spoke about your moods of thought, and how the intensity of some thoughts and feelings seem permeate into the surroundings, creating an atmosphere unto itself. That’s not something that can be fully transferred through words, but is nonetheless recognizable to others who’ve experienced similar ponderings.  

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